C.T. Scan
When you are under palliative care its not usual to have scans anymore to track the progress of the cancer, for obvious reasons the cost of doing this outweighs the doctors "need to know". Some people may not want to know how their cancer is progressing but I am pleased to gain an insight into whats been happening since January. Due to my recent illness, looming kidney problems and unusual symptoms my Hospice Consultant ordered a C.T. Scan at Royal Bolton hospital.
I had this yesterday which was an extremely trying ordeal. There were delays and the environment was very uncomfortable, lets just say I prefer Preston hospital! I am left today with incredible fatigue and my temperature was soaring last night. I most probably won't be around for a few days because of of overdoing it yesterday. I haven't got used to how Cancer fatigue at this stage of cancer is so debilitating, how I kept going all afternoon I don't know! The results should be with the consultant for my appointment on Tuesday. I have no idea what they will say, but I hope to get the knowledge which will help the consultant diagnose the symptoms.