I've been quite nauseous this past week so I haven't been around very much. When I went to the Hospice on Friday they changed my pain relief to Fentanyl patches instead of Morphine tablets. I still have the liquid Morphine as a top up as and when I need it. The patches don't seem strong enough so I'll be chatting with the Consultant at the Hospice tomorrow about having a higher dose so I'm not using the liquid Morphine as much which may be making me so sick.
My blood tests show I'm anemic I was border line last time I had my bloods done about 4 weeks ago. This means I'll be going into the Hospice on Wednesday for a blood transfusion. I have to go to the Hospice in the morning so they can take some blood to try and get a good match for me on Wednesday.
I also woke up in the night with a high temperature so we contacted the Hospice helpline who advised me to take some paracetamol and see my G.P. today because I maybe starting with an infection. I'll see my Consultant at the Hospice tomorrow though instead. I hope I haven't got another infection starting after the last one which floored me for almost 2 months. I feel shivery now so I'll be pleased to get my appointment in the morning.
Thank you for continued support everyone. Thank you to my family for their practical help, you were a good help yesterday Gill, Jane and Jen.