Monday, 28 May 2012

I've been quite nauseous this past week so I haven't been around very much.  When I went to the Hospice on Friday they changed my pain relief to Fentanyl patches instead of Morphine tablets.  I still have the liquid Morphine as a top up as and when I need it.  The patches don't seem strong enough so I'll be chatting with the Consultant at the Hospice tomorrow about having a higher dose so I'm not using the liquid Morphine as much which may be making me so sick.

My blood tests show I'm anemic I was border line last time I had my bloods done about 4 weeks ago.  This means I'll be going into the Hospice on Wednesday for a blood transfusion.  I have to go to the Hospice in the morning so they can take some blood to try and get a good match for me on Wednesday.  

I also woke up in the night with a high temperature so we contacted the Hospice helpline who advised me to take some paracetamol and see my G.P. today because I maybe starting with an infection.  I'll see my Consultant at the Hospice tomorrow though instead.  I hope I haven't got another infection starting after the last one which floored me for almost 2 months.  I feel shivery now so I'll be pleased to get my appointment in the morning.

I've not been near my message box or the internet in general but I needed to get this out for the latest updates.  I doubt I'll be leaving any messages or doing a blog until I feel a bit better.  If an infection does manifest itself that could be a while.

Thank you for continued support everyone.  Thank you to my family for their practical help, you were a good help yesterday Gill, Jane and Jen.