Another day in bed
I've done two blogs from bed on my ipad which I lost even though I saved them. I've been in bed all day again today, managing the shivers and the aching in my Kidney which seems to get worse the more I drink. Lesson for today is don't do a blog on my ipad! I had another home visit from my G.P. yesterday who told me to continue with the new anti biotics until I complete the second course on Tuesday. My last water test came back clear before I started the new anti biotics which is a bit confusing really. My bloods still reveal stage 3 chronic Kidney disease so I may not be having a stent fitted for the time being. Hopefully my Consultant at the Hospice on Tuesday morning will be able to answer a few questions. I don't feel much different and it's confusing that both water samples came back clear over the two weeks. I spend much of the day clock watching every six hours so that I can take some more paracetamol for the shivers and for this ache from my Kidney. Having said that sometimes I start shivering after the paracetamol. Not much is making sense other than the fact my body has little to fight whatever I have. As the G.P. said, it' so busy fighting cancer all the time it has little left for anything else. What my body would normally brush off it's getting overwhelmed with what it's being asked to do, and don't I know it!