Fever broke
Thank you for the comments and recommendations on Judith McGuinness cancer support through collective thinking. I've not been near the computer for a few days so haven't caught up on all the posts, hopefully I'll feel strong enough to do so in the next day or so. The fever finally broke last night, thankfully. We'd spent a couple of days trying to get my temperature down because it peeked over 38 when we didn't keep an eye on it. It's difficult to try and cool your body temperature when you are shivering and your teeth are chattering but it had to be done. No luxury's like a hot water bottle! I ventured out of my bed last night for an hour and felt well enough to come down stairs for breakfast this morning. I'm slowly coming round which is good news because I felt so bad I was sure I was dying. Thanks again for your support and words which mean a lot to me, I have some special friends old and new around the globe and you are all precious to me.